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Access articles

Add full text and file attachments to EndNote. See also settings for Find Full Text og PDF Handling.

Download full text

  1. Select the references you want to find full text for
  2. Click the Find Full Text button
    EndNote 20: Click the Search the Web for full text documents for the selected references button.
  3. Available PDFs will be added to the EndNote library and stored in the corresponding data folder

Check if full text is available

If you cannot access the full text with the Find Full Text feature, you can check access via the OpenURL Link.

  1. Select the references you want to find full text for
  2. Right-click on selected reference > URL > OpenURL Link
    EndNote 20: Right-click on the selected reference > OpenURL Link
  3. The reference opens in Oria.
    • If full text is available you can use the link to the supplier
    • If full text is not available you can log on to Oria to order

Import PDF files

EndNote can create references of PDF files. You can import individual PDFs or an entire folder of PDFs at once.


  1. From the top menu: File> Import> File (or Folder if you have a folder with PDF files)
  2. Click on Choose and browse for the PDF file or folder with PDF files
  3. Import Option must be PDF
  4. Click Import.


  1. From the top menu: File> Import
  2. Select the PDF file
  3. Click the Options button in the bottom left
  4. Import Options: Select PDF File or Folder
  5. Import

For this to work, the PDF must have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number. The DOI number is a unique identifier found on most recent articles. If the article has a DOI number, the reference is automatically entered into the library. If the article does not contain a DOI number, EndNote creates a blank reference with the file name as the title. You must then enter all the details in the reference itself, see Register references manually.

File Attachments

This is an alternative to importing PDF files or Find Full Text. This feature also allows you to add other types of files such as Word, Power Point and Excel. The file will be placed in the File Attachments field and can be opened from there. You can attach multiple attachments to the same reference.

  1. Select the reference
  2. Right-click and select File Attachments> Attach File ...
    EndNote 20: In the View panel, select Attach File
  3. Find the file
  4. Click Open

If asked to save the change, confirm with Yes.

Published May 4, 2020 2:27 PM - Last modified Mar. 25, 2021 3:48 PM