Creating Resources in Omeka

Join us in this online workshop to explore Omeka S, a modern web publishing platform designed to assist in sharing digital cultural collections with a global audience. Our goal is to provide you with the skills needed to utilize Omeka S for creating, organizing, and presenting your digital resources.

Image may contain: Font, Circle, Magenta, Logo, Graphics.

Sign-up deadline: November 13th, 2023 at 17:00


Course Description

Throughout this workshop, we'll cover the essential aspects of Omeka S:

  1. Understanding Omeka Resources
    • Get acquainted with resources like Items, Media, Item Sets, Vocabularies, and Resource Templates.
  2. Resource templates
    • Learn how to build resource templates
    • Advanced description using different data types
    • Summary of modules useful for reating resources 
  3. Create your own Resources
    • Put your knowledge to practical use
  4. Bulk importing and updating resources and media 

Course Requirements

For this workshop, it's essential to come prepared to get hands-on with Omeka S. Here's what you should have ready:

  • 3-5 Items: Identify 3-5 digital entities you'd like to upload as Items in your Omeka S. You will need some metadata and some type of media file for each of these things that represents a person, place, thing, event, or something else. You can use your own data or compile a list of URLs from sources like Wikipedia or to serve as the basis for your Items.

  • Data in a Spreadsheet: If you're interested in importing Items, you can prepare your Item data in a spreadsheet format. We'll walk you through the process of transforming this data into something that can be imported into your Omeka S installation.

As the workshop date approaches, we'll also request your email address if you don't have access to our sandbox. However, if you prefer to work with your own Resources, feel free to invite us to your installation. We're here to assist and answer any questions you may have.

We look forward to a productive and informative training session, where you'll gain the skills to effectively manage your digital cultural heritage collections using Omeka S.

Participants will receive a zoom link prior to the workshop


Zachary Francis
Tags: Digital Humanities, Digital Heritage Collections, Archives, Humanities
Published Oct. 20, 2023 10:35 AM - Last modified Oct. 24, 2023 10:01 AM