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Get started with Zotero

Zotero is a reference management tool that helps you collect, organize, cite and share your references. You can use Zotero to create citations in Word, OpenOffice and LibreOffice, and it can easily be used with LaTeX.

Zotero or EndNote?

Are you wondering which reference tool to use? We have made an overview of some differences between Zotero and EndNote which may help you choose the right tool for you. Comparison of Zotero and EndNote.

Install Zotero

Zotero is available both as an online version and as a desktop program. The desktop version comes with browser connectors that makes it easy to import research from within your browser, and word processor plugins for inserting references and generating bibliographies.

If you have a UiO-managed Windows computer, please install Zotero from Software Center. Otherwise, download it from the official website.

By using this service you accept the terms and conditions of Zotero (notice section 2 – privacy).

Zotero Storage

UiO subscribes to Zotero Storage, so you get unlimited storage for PDF files and other attachments by registering your UiO email address with your Zotero account. If you plan to continue using your Zotero account even after you leave UiO, we recommend using a private e-mail address as your primary address and your UiO address ( as secondary address, since the primary address is used for password recovery etc.

Collect references

With Zotero you can quickly import references as you come across them. By clicking an icon next to the address bar in your browser, they are imported to your Zotero library. It also lets you import multiple references from search results pages in Oria or other search engines like Google Scholar and Web of Science.

Organize your references

When your references have been added to your library, you can sort them into different collections. You can also add notes or keywords to a reference. In addition to this, you can make groups for sharing references with others.

Cite and export

You can use your references in several ways. Zotero comes with add-ons for Word, OpenOffice and LibreOffice that makes it easy to use Zotero with these programs. If you use LaTeX and BibLaTeX, we recommend installing the Better BibTeX for Zotero add-on.


The University Library offers EndNote courses for staff and students at UiO and OUS.

Zotero guide

Do you want a more thorough Zotero guide? Try this one from Sebastian Karcher and Rintze M. Zelle.


Ask the library Zotero-team if you need any help.