08 - PhD candidates and the research process. The library’s contribution

Eystein Gullbekk, Tove Rullestad,Maria Carme Torras i Calvo: PhD candidates and the research process. The library’s contribution. Last ned i pdf-format


The topic of this report (a translation of Ph.d.-kandidater og forskningsprosessen. Bibliotekets bidrag, Skrifter fra Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo 7) is how PhD candidates work to identify and evaluate academic resources and relevant literature. The authors also discuss how PhD candidates relate to the publishing of their own research, what they find challenging in these processes, and what they expect in terms of support and counselling from the research libraries.

By looking at the PhD candidates’ practices, challenges in their day to day research, and the candidates’ experiences of library services, the authors provide libraries with evidence that can be used to develop library services. The report also provides PhD candidates and researchers the opportunity to reflect on their own challenges.

This report is based on research that was conducted as part of the “Information Management for Knowledge Creation” project (2010-2013). The project is a collaboration between the university libraries in Oslo, Bergen and Ålborg; the NHH library; and the Bergen University College Library. The project receives development funding from the National Library of Norway.

Publisert 2. mai 2013 11:05 - Sist endret 29. okt. 2020 10:10